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The project Romani Ambassadors 2.0
The project Romani Ambassadors 2.0 aims to provide skills and competences to adult trainers, teachers and Roma workers in education process and in order to tackle early school leaving and low educational capacity in children of minorities.
The main objectives
The main objectives of the project are to improve the competences and engage social workers, counsellors and mediators in the engagement mentoring process with Roma people, youngsters and students with main objective to reduce the educational drop-out.
The project aims also to increase the representation of Roma youngsters from minority groups – such as Roma children- in the long-term educational process, based on the principle that quality education should fit the learner rather than requiring them to fit into an existing system.
Romani Ambassadors 2.0 goal is to tackle skill gaps and mismatches in social workers that support Roma youngsters in education by providing them with a mentor approach tailor to support them to effectively guide disadvantage youngsters in their path to inclusive education. Specifically, it aims:
Project funded by the Erasmus Plus Program
Duration of implementation 01.11.2021 - 31.10.2023
Project Id: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000026290
Between November 9 and 11, 2022, we hosted the creative activity entitled “A brain to pick & an ear to listen” in which the Project’s partners contributed to the development and adaptation of the mentoring concept in the context of preventing school dropouts.
Theoretical notions and practical examples were presented which will be included in a working methodology useful to those who want to become mentors.
Thus, the situations of school dropout in the partner countries, the process itself, different mentoring techniques, its benefits, the profile of the mentor and the ways of involvement in the process were deepened.