• Schedule: Monday-Friday 9.00 - 18.00
We want the social involvement of children and young people belonging to disadvantaged groups.

Sport, Leisure and Emotional Intelligece – A Model for Differeces in the Society

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About the project

  • Programme: Erasmus PLUS
  • Strategic partnerships – Development of Innovation

Duration: 18 months (08.11.2017-07.05.2019)

Together we make a difference

We offer educational alternatives on the integration and social involvement of children and young people belonging to disadvantaged groups.

The purpose of the project

  • To deliver quality and accessibility in non-formal learning and youth work by supporting the development and dissemination of new integrated model in reaching out to marginalized young people and in preventing racism and intolerance among youth through enhanced cooperation between organizations with different profile and role in the youth field.

AHEAD Association

Our projects

Sport, Leisure and Emotional Intelligece

The aim of the project is to ensure quality and accessibility in non-formal learning, in working with young people.


The Romani Ambassadors project aims to support a series of objectives in the field of training and employment.


The implementation of the project facilitates the access to education and finding a job for Roma people.

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